Over 4 lakh students will be able to get their Kerala SSLC results on June 15 at 3 pm, officials from Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan announced.

Earlier, the result was expected to be announced on June 10, however, it was later announced to be declared on June 15.

The result will be announced by State Education Minister V Sivankutty at a press conference.

Shortly after the announcement, link to check marks will go viral on official websites.

A total of 4.2 lakh students will be getting their results.

The Board will also declare the THSLC, THSLC, SSLC , and AHSLC exams result along with the Kerala SSLC result.

The results will also be available at Saphlam app.

Students can download the app from the Google Play store or the Apple store.

The app will be able to display detailed marksheet after the result is announced.